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Embedded analytics Demo
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Embedded Dashboards provide a way to bring insightful data analytics directly into your web application. The Embedded SDK allows you to embed superset dashboards into your own web app, using your app’s authentication. Embedding is done by inserting an iframe, containing a dashboard page, into the host application. There should be no need to log in to an integrated dashboard if the user is already logged in to the Host App.
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Benefits of embedded analytics
Seamless user experience
Embedded analytics allows for a seamless blend of analytics into your own web portal or application, making it easier for your users to adopt new analytics capabilities and improve their user experience.
Create additional revenue streams
By differentiating product offering, businesses can create additional revenue streams through up selling embedded analytics capabilities to their users.
Deeper insights
Through machine learning and ad-hoc capabilities (e.g., building custom dashboard and reports), embedded analytics allows businesses to self-serve and generate deeper insights for their users.
Connect your data in minutes
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