Deploying Datazip on AWS

Deploying Datazip on AWS

In this article, we're using AWS (can be done via Azure Marketplace as well) as an example to demonstrate Datazip deployment.

Before we dive in, let's cover the prerequisites.

You’ll need around 30 to 45 minutes of time, along with access to an operational AWS account with admin access and your domain provider’s access details.

The product can be deployed on a system with a minimum of 8GB RAM. As your needs grow, you can easily scale up.

Below is an overview of the entire architecture.

Step 1: Website Signup

Let’s start by heading to our website.

Click on the “Start for free” button. Please ensure you're using your work email. For convenience, there’s an option to sign in with Google using your work email as well.

You can Register with us by providing all the information that is asked in the SignUp for and Click on Register to proceed further.

If you choose to sign up with Google (using work email), here are the following permissions we will be needing.

Next, Click on “Continue”.

On the next screen you will have one option to start the deployment process. Click on “Proceed to Deploy”

Step 2: Set Up the Prerequisites

At this point, we need to confirm the prerequisites, so click Yes and then proceed by clicking Next.

Here are the key pieces of information you’ll need:

- Client ID: This is a unique identifier for your deployment. Ensure that it only contains lowercase English letters and numbers. While you can use any ID, we recommend using your organization's name.

- Base Domain: For example, if your company is “DataSector,” use your domain name (not necessarily ""). The base domain is where your deployment will be accessible. Make sure you have access to your DNS provider.

- AWS Account ID: You can find this in the top right corner of your AWS Management Console. Copy this and paste it into the field provided.

- AWS Region: In our case, we’ll use ap-south-1.

- Public BI and Warehouse: If set to public, anyone with the correct login credentials can access your Business Intelligence (BI) and Warehouse. If private, only users with access to your VPN will be able to connect. Note that you won’t be able to change this setting later.

For this demo, we’ll keep both BI and Warehouse public. Click Next.

You will see an alert from us stating that

“You are about to deploy the stack publicly. This means that both the Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence interfaces will be accessible over the internet, permitting anyone the ability to attempt to log in. If you have a private VPN-VPC setup configured, then please unselect Public BI and Public Warehouse boxes.”

Click on “Next” if you agree if you do not have your private VPN-VPC setup configured.

Step 3: Configure Deployment Permission

You’ll now be redirected to a page where you’ll create an IAM policy. This grants us the necessary permissions.

Once you’re logged in, you'll see a screen where you can configure the stack name. Ensure the stack name matches to "datazip-role-creation."

Also, ensure the Client ID and Region are the same as what you entered earlier. Accept the terms and click Create Stack to start the deployment process.

The deployment may take 20 to 30 minutes. If you encounter any errors, don’t hesitate to contact our support team at [email protected].

If any corrections are needed, you’ll have to delete the existing CloudFormation stack and rerun the process with the correct details.

The role creation process will start now.

You can hit the refresh button at the right top corner to see the updated status of role creation.

As soon as all the 3 roles i.e “datazip-role-creation”, “datazipDeploymentRole”, ‘DatazipBillingRole’ are created, you can go back to the previous window to see the stack deployment status in progress.

The deployment will take anywhere from 25 to 35 minutes and after the stack is deployed, you will receive the confirmation message on the screen.

Next, you will also receive an email from Datazip with your login credentials.

Step 4: Finalizing the Deployment

Once the deployment is complete, you’ll be prompted to configure your domain settings. Click Next to proceed.
Follow the instructions to navigate to your AWS Console, then go to EC2 > Load Balancers.

Select the load balancer created during the deployment by filtering with the provided tag. Copy the DNS name of the load balancer.

Now, go to your DNS provider. In this demo, we’re using Cloudflare. Add a new CNAME record:

- Name: Use the name of your application, e.g., "datasector."

- Target: Paste the DNS name of the load balancer.

- Set the proxy status to Off and save the record.

Step 5: Verify Your Deployment

After saving, return to the deployment page and click Next. Your URL will be generated, allowing you to access your deployed stack.

If you opted for a public BI and Warehouse, you might encounter an SSL warning. This typically resolves within 15 to 20 minutes. You can verify this by accessing the URL in incognito mode.

If you have not configured your domain settings, the above links would not work, click the below button (Configure Domain Settings) to configure the domain settings now.

And there you have it! You’ve successfully deployed Datazip on AWS.